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Thinking Out of the Box

4CFT Eduskills 2023-02-13 14:36:47
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Did you know that the concept of watching movies over a phone was once booed in comparison to the glory of having a theatrical experience? Yet, OTT thrives over mainstream cinema today! Did you know that CEOs would cringe at the very idea of having employees work at home? Yet, Work from home is now become the norm! What happened? How are so many age-old practices gradually ceasing to become a daily part of our lives? What has compelled top leaders to make decisions which were so far removed from what they have ever known? The answer is creativity! This answer is pretty predictable because creativity is the result of wanting to solve a problem, and wanting to make a change for the better. The question, however, is have we ever tapped into this creativity? Are we capable of devising ways that can convert problems into opportunities? Do we know how to actively seek out creative solutions? In simple words- Have we ever been trained to think outside the box?? Our education system has sadly become a breeding ground for those who follow the herd, for those who can stick to the norm, who follow the status quo and especially for those who keep the “system” functioning! But what if that system is broken, redundant or worse… what if it’s counterproductive? At 4CFT Edu Skills, we reinforce and foster a strong, creative environment for learners to channelize their inherent creativity. That’s right- we are all born to create and we simply provide a platform that harnesses, develops and nurtures this innate quality that leads to success in one’s personal and professional lives. We believe that our learners can truly tap into their creative strengths by providing them:

a) A compassionate environment: An environment where mistakes are NOT ONLY allowed but celebrated as an off-shoot of learning and honing one’s skills is mandatory. We provide this through our hands-on interactive learning programs.

b) Autonomy: We allow our learners to choose their own methods of completing assignments. Each individual is unique and we go against the cookie-cutter approach of teaching. Leveraging our strengths in the real world is quintessential; therefore, teaching learners to be autonomous in their methodologies for task completion is tantamount to becoming “street smart” and “job ready”.

c) A challenging environment: We know that creativity is born out of a need to bring about a breakthrough when old practices can’t be effective or productive in the long run. That’s why we challenge our learners to break the glass-ceiling, go the extra mile and indulge in the thinking process of addressing and solving complex issues in a realistic way.

Creativity is inbred, but one needs to draw it out in our learners. We call upon the present generation of learners to evolve into generation changers- by simply tapping into their creativity and soaring to the heights of success in implementing its never-ending benefits. 4FCT challenges you to unleash your creativity. Your creativity is your power, your success!